Actions, videos, photographs, installations.
Since 2004, the Time Notes Bank has worked on implementing a new currency system, which, rather than use monetary conventions based on the accumulation of capital, uses temporal units: minutes, days, years. Offices and other performances have been set up in many cities of Europe, America and Asia. The actions refer to different local and global issues: the exchange systems, the over-employment and unemployment, the increasing virtualization of the economy, and the existential relationship of the human being with his own lifetime.
"Official" website of Time Notes Bank: http://www.timenoteshouse.org/

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Lost Time Refund Office
Rostock 2007, Vigo 2007, San Jose CA 2009, Madrid 2010, Washington DC 2011.
Actions, installations, videos.
Offices in public spaces that are offerred as a place for the reception and classification of time which has been given involuntarily, under pressure or for arbitrary reasons. |

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Buying and Selling Time Office
Berlin 2010, Mumbai 2012, Lima 2014.
Actions, installations, videos.
The office, using karts, offered the Buy and Sell Time service. During the action, we collect the most valuable moments (real and imaginary, from the past or for the future) of our “customers”.

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Madrid 2013-14.
interactive installation.
ATM at the Creative City Fair Cibeles. Promotional campaign at the stand of Time Notes Bank in the fair: "Tell us what was the day that changed your life forever... and take a 1 day bill as a gift!" |

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Buy & Sell Time Customers
Berlin 2010, Mumbai 2012, Puebla 2013, Lima 2014.
Series of portraits of customers that have passed by the mobile office, showing their bills. |

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Buy & Sell Time
Madrid, Silicon Valley, Mexico DF, Sao Paulo, Mumbai, Lima.
Documentation of mimetization actions in different public spaces (as the main building of eBay, nearby the Zocalo of Mexico, or a street market in Mumbai). |

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Time Notes Bank Infomercials
Commercial advertisement of the bank services. Scenes were shot in Berlin, Madrid, Mumbai, Puebla, Lima.

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Losing Time
Singapur 2006
Action, video
The video shows the action of walking by a pedestrian street in the shopping area of Singapore losing time notes bills. |

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Present continuous
Mexico DF, 2009
Action, video
Counting time (with one second bills) in the Santo Domingo Square, Mexico DF. |

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Time credit card
2009 -ongoing-
Numered cards (150) ith magnetic stripe and private access to the customer area in the website of Time Notes Bank.
Launching event in Munich, 2009. |

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Online banking
Online banking for general public and customers (with credentials). Services of time lost refunds, time loans, time exchange, etc. Free access to the data base. |