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Breaking News
2023 / work in progress
Net art
Produced entirely with different AI tools, Breaking News is a compilation of reports broadcasted by Channel 01 in which virtual anchors comment on the most outstanding and controversial news of the signal.

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Digital Pioneers
2023 / in progress
Net art
Produced entirely with different AI tools, this new project derived from Channel 01 draws on influences from Russian cosmism, variantology, futuristic utopias, and even the theory of "possible worlds", which accelerated with the appearance of electricity.

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Channel 01
2020 / in progress
Net art / Installation
Channel 01 presents itself as an automatic audiovisual news channel, based on artificial intelligence algorithms. Channel 01 captures, reorganises and broadcasts a cascade of possible worlds, of alternative, dystopian, dreamlike events, resulting in an uncomfortable portrait, no longer of our reality, but of our fears or desires.

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Net art, serial objets
"Today's world requires you to adapt to the time framework of machines. Your processes must be synchronized with those of the technological objects that surround you. Synchr-o-matic, the clock that gives you the exact Unix Timestamp"

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Becoming Code
Images intervened by injecting critical texts into their code. The result is a "text" that assembles the two "contents" in conflict.

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I Manifesto of Futurism (by the machines)
Artistic intervention to the first manifesto of futurism.
a quantum computer that allows thinking with simultaneous zeros and ones , is more beautiful than the Victory of Samothrace"

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The Hidden Room
An art gallery on the Dark Web. An open and free space for the exhibition of artistic projects, in a world increasingly controlled, arbitrarily tagged and gradually limited by copyright laws.

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The Artificial Emotions Curator
Interventions to a dataset of fine art master pieces using the Microsoft's API
Emotions algorithm, scoring on each recognized face the different categories that, according to the API, make our emotions: anger, contempt, disgust, fear, happiness, neutrality, sadness and surprise.

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IP Poetry
Cyberpoetry. Device for electronic performances, net-installations and digital poetry.
Since 2004.
Talking head robots and poetry generator based on realtime searchs over the web.

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Time Notes: Buy & Sell Time
Madrid, Silicon Valley, Mexico DF, Sao Paulo, Mumbai, Lima
Photographs. Documentation of mimetization actions in different spaces for buying and selling as the main building of eBay, nearby the Zocalo of Mexico, or a street market in Mumbai.

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My 10 days as consultant for the World Bank
Action, installation,(touch table, data mining, software, video, photographs, documents) and eBook. Invited by the institution for my role as director of the Time Notes Bank and chairman of Psychoeconomy, I worked for ten days, in the bank’s general headquarters in Washington, DC, on an alternative approach to the world financial crisis.

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PWRT (The Psychoeconomy War Room Table)
Interactive installation. Touch table, fiducials. The table displays the relationship between two or more countries in the world in terms of some specific social and economic variables, using public data from the World Bank.

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Time Notes: Oficina de compraventa de tiempo
Berlin 2010, Mumbai 2012, Lima 2014, Caceres 2017, Casablanca 2018.
Acciones, instalaciones, vídeos
The office, using karts, offered the Buy and Sell Time service. During the action, we collect the most valuable moments (real and imaginary, from the past or for the future) of our “customers”.

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Time Notes: Lost Time Refund Office
Rostock 2007, Vigo 2007, San Jose CA 2009, Madrid 2010, Washington DC 2011.
Actions, installations, videos.
Offices in public spaces that are offerred as a place for the reception and classification of time which has been given involuntarily, under pressure or for arbitrary reasons.

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Baloon Pieces (Nr 1, 2 and 3)
Action, video, photographs.
The action consists in setting a wireless video camera held by baloons inflated with helium, and record the video signal received from the moment of the release to the signal contact lost.

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Time Notes: Losing Time
Singapur 2006
Action, video
The video shows the action of walking by a pedestrian street in the shopping area of Singapore losing time notes bills.

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Time Notes: Present continuous
Mexico DF, 2009
Action, video
Counting time (with one second bills) in the Santo Domingo Square, Mexico City.

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Underground Information System
ntervention of the electronic displays inside the trains of the Buenos Aires metro (line D), replacing the local itinerary with the one of a Berlin line. Quotations that referred to this displacement situation were also included.
15, 16 y 17 de octubre de 2004

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The afternoon of a writer
Action, X-ray video
The video consists in the an x-ray image of the hand of the artist, writing upon a piece of paper. The bones and the pen are visible but the words being written are not.

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My desire is your desire
Net art, webpages, action on Internet, installation.
The piece is a compilation of the emails received upon placing the personal pages of a fictitious man and woman on the Internet.

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Time Notes Bank Infomercials
Commercial advertisement of the bank services. Scenes were shot in Berlin, Madrid, Mumbai, Puebla, Lima.

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Net art, installation
"Cyberzoo is a virtual zoo where it is possible to experience the wildest expressions of the artificial life in the security of your computer". An early net art piece that addressed the issue of virality in networks, and opened questions about the leading role that Artificial Intelligence would play.

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Time Notes: Time credit card
2009 -in progress-
150 numbered cards with magnetic strip and private access to the customers area of the Time Notes Bank website.
Launched at Munich and Berlin.

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Time Notes: Change
Madrid 2013-14
Interactive installation
ATM at the Creative City Fair Cibeles. Promotional campaign at the stand of Time Notes Bank in the fair:
"Tell us what was the day that changed your life forever... and take a 1 day bill as a gift!"

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Time Notes: Online banking
2007 - in progress
Net art, Website
Online banking for general public and customers (with credentials). Services of time lost refunds, time loans, time exchange, etc. Free access to the data base.

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Net art, fotolog, action, installation
The project, launched on May 24th 2004 -before Twitter or Instagram- consisted on posting on the web a daily photo of the contents of the artist's pockets, and short text. It ended in 2009, at the day 1001.

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Pieza privada #1
Net art
The only way to see this piece is buying it. Afterwards, only the buyer can be allowed (by contract) to see the work.

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Net art
, installation.
Hyperbody offers a list of websites whose names refer to different parts of the human body (nose.com, eyes.com, etc).

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Private little worlds
Interactive installation, microscope, closed circuit, viewfinder, security camera.
When looking through the viewfinder, the public see their own image looking at their self.

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Digital media videoinstallation
A network of TVs where is displaied the image of fourteen connected hearths beating.
Around a cyberpunk context, Network was created the same year that the WWW appears.

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Time Notes: Buy & Sell Time Customers
Berlin 2010, Mumbai 2012, Puebla 2013, Lima 2014, Casablanca 2018
Series of portraits of customers that have passed by the mobile office, showing their bills.

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Sky Blue and White
2007 (Work in progress)
Net instalation, webcam streaming
Composition based on the image from a webcam pointing 24 hs a day to the argentinian sky and a stripe made by white pixels. The work was donated to the museum MACRO of Rosario, the city where the Argentina's flag was created

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Creative City International Fair
CentroCentro, Madrid, 2013-14
Curatorship-parody, detournement
An artist exhibition camouflaged as a technology fair, in which the participating artists show their technological "companies" and inventions questioning the current concept of "smart city".

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Psychoeconomy: Corporate Summit Sevilla
Second corporate summit. Six artists gather with the porpose of writing a declaration se reunieron para generar una declaración en la que, desde la alteridad que permite el arte, se enumeran diversas propuestas en respuesta a la crisis económica y del sistema político.

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Psychoeconomy: Corporate Summit Madrid
First event parodiing the G8 or Bilderberg summits, where four artists developing fake corporations artist projects, wrote a declaration among the financial crisis.

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Photographic report on Dorkbot SL #1
Net art, action in Second Life
Documentation of the first Dorkbot in Second Life

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Lighting Piece
Video loop (after Yoko Ono)
The video shows the image of a macth stick bourning for ever.

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CD ROM, interactive installation
The piece questions the false illusion of interactivity proposed by some games by offering to the "player" a series of binary choices that will determine their role within the successive stages proposed by the game.

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Microworld Network
Net ar
Since 1995
The website emulates a software company whose offers different devices and software developments: "utilities for an unstable universe".

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Sound piece to be walked
Records in two places in Montevideo: Rambla 25 de Agosto and Pérez Castellano; Tristán Narvaja and Paysandú
Action, installation
8 photos (100 x 100 cm), 8 audio channels

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Sound piece to be walked
Records in trhee places in Mexico City: Seminario and Moneda; Jardín Hidalgo, Colonia Coyoacan and Metro Línea 2, Tasqueña-Cuatro Caminos
Action, installation
16 photos (100 x 100 cm), 16 audio channels

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Action, satellite photographs and digital prints
The action was carried out on the stern of the ship Nicolás Mihanovich, moored on the Riachuelo, in the area of La Boca, in the city of Buenos Aires.

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X-Ray portraits
Radiographic plates mounted on viewboxes with black light.
Series of 13 plates

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Videoinstalación, animación digital
Retroprojection upon an acrylic sheet. The video reveals a finger print, the lines of which constantly undergo modification.

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Net art
Website that provides a post-mortem community management service, thanks to an Artificial Intelligence system.

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Experimental Suite
Net art
Anthology of unpublished digital micro works created between 1995 and 2005